AMBS - Chair of Pastoral Care Dept: Expressing gratitude for Dean's teaching in deliverance ministry & a new book dedicated to him!

Dear Clair,

Here is a paragraph I´d like to communicate to your Dad in some way, if still possible. In any event, it is also a summary word of grateful testimony.

Thank you so much - blessing to you,

Brother Dean,

I am grateful for your ministry of deliverance, your reflections on the significance of such ministry, and your gentle prodding to church and seminary to take it more seriously. I appreciate having received from you numerous case studies, articles, and personal notes all pointing to the importance of recognizing and dealing with the reality of evil and the need to confront the demonic and to bind the spirits in the name of Jesus and the power of the Spirit of the living God. Together with my colleagues at AMBS, I am grateful for your generous gift of time, resources and money in support of the study of, and equipping for deliverance ministry.

How fitting, then that the recent publication of the book EVEN THE DEMONS SUBMIT: CONTINUING JESUS´MINISTRY OF DELIVERANCE is dedicated to you!

You have been both a pastoral minister and a prophet who unfailingly “fought the good battle." No question, therefore, the words of Jesus apply personally to you: “Well done, good and trustworthy servant…enter into the joy of your master” (Mt. 25:21). Praise be to God for your life and ministry.

Daniel Schipani,
Professor and Chair of the Pastoral Care and Counseling Dept.
Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary

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